
Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio
May 2022

We are at the Full Moon phase.

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio

This time around, it's in the sign of Scorpio.
So it's time to...
There's a strong sexual energy around you now. The good news is that sexual energy is very creative (after all, it leads to an act that creates humans!).
A tense situation could be about to boil over, so go carefully.
Time spent outdoors will help you to calm your emotions as well as increasing your general wellbeing.
You need to find a balance between your emotions and your sensual side. Don't deny this part of yourself. Use the energy to create what you want.
Manifesting balance
Balance your ability to caress with your need to be caressed.
Manifesting mindset
When we're emotionally overheated, we end up focusing on what we don't want, rather than on what we do want. Bear this in mind now. Breathe.
A manifesting ritual for seduction
o Add Myrrh essential oil to your diffuser.
o Rest in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
o Call in Kali, the Goddess of Shakti - Divine Feminine energy - and of facing down your fears.
o Make sure you're fully in touch with your sensual side. Unspent sexual energy creates blockages, so use your imagination!
Your manifestation affirmation
'Sexual energy fires me up in a good way, and helps me express my creativity too.'
When to manifest your magic
The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Scorpio, on a Tuesday Mars' day) or during Mars' hour.
The Full Moon in Scorpio takes place when the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Scorpio.
This information is taken from my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio

The Full Moon is the ideal time to access all your feelings and make peace with them.
Normally, that involves forgiveness; forgiving yourself or someone else.
The PDF extract gives gentle guide and ideas for how to forgive someone, and explain the importance o gratitude
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