

Nov 2021

Karva Chauth fasting holds a very special significance for every indian woman. On this day, every married woman fasts for the longevity of her husband by doing sixteen make-up. From shopping to parlor, every woman starts preparations for Karva Chauth several days in advance. Despite this, many times, unknowingly, there are some such mistakes, which women should not commit even after forgetting on the day of Karva Chauth. Let us know what are the health-related mistakes before and after the Karva Chauth fast, which every woman should avoid before and after the fast.
What to do during Karva Chauth fast

Eat something in the sargi of Karva Chauth so that you can get energy throughout the day. For this, eat dry fruits in the morning in sargi. By consuming them, you will get the strength to stay hungry throughout the day and will not feel hungry. You can also eat some almonds or walnuts before fasting, which will keep your energy level up for several hours.
Apart from this, you can also include warm milk in your sargi, this will give you energy for the whole day.
Before the start of the fast, you should eat such food in Sargi so that your stomach remains full for a long time and you do not feel hungry.
?>Do not do much work at home to keep yourself busy on the day of fast, otherwise you will soon start feeling tired. To keep yourself busy, spend time with family and friends.
Try to give rest to the eyes. Using too much TV or phone can make your eyes tired, so keep a balance with these things.
A day before fasting, try to sleep early at night and get up early in the morning. By doing this you will feel fresh throughout the day.
To avoid weakness, use more and more milk in your diet. At night, make something like kheer, milk and eat it by adding a lot of dry fruits to it. Nuts contain healthy fat.
You can also include kiwi in your diet, it can boost immunity.
Drinking coconut water before fasting gives energy to the body and also keeps the body hydrated.
Eating gooseberry murabba on an empty stomach does not cause acidity and does not feel tired.
What not to do in fasting
Do not do any physical exercise, sports or climb more stairs on the day of fasting, doing so can cause exhaustion in your body.
Do not eat a lot of food or drink water immediately after breaking the fast at night. After being hungry for the whole day, eating a full stomach food can worsen your health. On the other hand, drinking too much water can make you vomit. After breaking the fast, try to drink some water and eat light food.
Do not drink tea immediately after breaking the fast. By doing this you may have acidity problem.
Do not eat spicy and fried food at all a day or a night before the fast, by doing so you may feel more thirsty or even dizzy the next day.
Even after the fast of Karva Chauth, there will be no dizziness and health will not deteriorate, learn diet tips from experts
Best karwa chauth diet plan
The time of Karva Chauth has come and in such a situation many women will keep a fast. Karva Chauth is a very important festival and many women observe a completely nirjala fast. But such fasting often causes dizziness and problems in eating and drinking the next day. In such a situation, it is very important that you have to take care of some things related to your diet.
People observing a strict fast like Karva Chauth should keep in mind that they will have to be careful about their diet 3-4 days in advance. This is because if your body is starved and thirsty, it becomes weak and in such a situation there is a possibility of health deterioration.
Make a hydration plan for Karva Chauth-
First of all a good hydration plan is essential for Karva Chauth fasting. Here we are talking about the hydration plan because, only with this you will be able to prepare your body for the fasting of Karva Chauth., 'Start increasing hydration before Karva Chauth, meaning you have to drink water by sip-sip.'
Karwa chauth diet tips
For example, if you weigh 50 kg and I make my hydration plan from tomorrow, then I have to drink 2-3 liters of water little by little throughout the day. This will ensure that there will be no lack of hydration in your body and strength will remain in the body during the fast. Do not drink a lot of water at once. You neither have to over-hydrate yourself nor under-hydrate. It is very important that you drink water little by little. If you do this from now on then problems like dizziness on that day can be avoided. The strength will remain in the body that day.
What to do if you do not feel weak and ill on the day of Karva Chauth?
Get up in the morning and take feni, milk, dates or chia seeds. In such a situation, you will have strength throughout the day and there will be no weakness. If you feel that you are not able to eat feni early in the morning, then at the time of Karva Chauth, take milk and 1 teaspoon chia seeds in sargi. You must keep fruits in your sargi. If you do this then hydration will be plentiful. Also take dry fruits so that the energy will remain throughout the day. You can also eat chia pudding. Chia seeds have water holding capacity to maintain hydration throughout the day. You can also take coconut water.
Karwa chauth sargi
Avoid eating fried food too much.
Keep these things in mind while breaking the fast of Karva Chauth-
If you want to start with water while breaking the fast of Karva Chauth, then it is fine, but according to Swati, fennel water will prove to be most useful. Many people have problems after eating food and fall ill due to acidity etc. In such a situation, if you eat fermented foods like dhokla, idli etc. and drink fennel water, buttermilk, coconut water at night time, then it can be good for you.
How to make fennel water-
Boil one teaspoon each of cumin, coriander seeds, fennel in 1 glass of water and drink this water after filtering it. By doing this you will not get acidity. Apart from this, even if you can eat a little bit of ginger, you will not get acidity.

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