
Suzanna Potter Love's Biography

Suzanna Potter Love's Biography
Feb 2023

Suzanna Potter Love

Suzanna Potter Love's Biography

Who is Suzanna Potter Love?
Suzanna Potter Love is a female actress from new york, new york, also known Suzanna.
What is Suzanna Potter Love known for?
Suzanna Potter Love is know for her appearances in several films directed by her husband, german director ulli lommel,
When is Suzanna Potter Love's birthday?
Suzanna Potter Love was born on 1950-04-08.
What is Suzanna Potter Love's nationality?
Suzanna Potter Love holds american citizenship.
What is Suzanna Potter Love's zodiac sign?
Suzanna Potter Love's zodiac sign is aries .
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What is Suzanna Potter Love's physical appearance?
Suzanna Potter Love is a slim
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m)
Weigh: 55 kg (121 lbs)
Hair color: light brown
Eyes color: dark brown
Shoe size: 8 US
Shoe size: 4 US
What is Suzanna Potter Love's education and career?

College: Vassar College.
What is Suzanna Potter Love's marital status is?
Suzanna Potter Love is divorced.
What is Suzanna Potter Love's net worth 2023?
Suzanna Potter Love's net worth is USD $1 million (approx).
Who's the father of Suzanna Potter Love?
Suzanna Potter Love's father is kennett love .
Who's the mother of Suzanna Potter Love?
Suzanna Potter Love's mother is not known .
Who is/are the brother(s) of Suzanna Potter Love?
Suzanna Potter Love's brother(s) is/are nicholas love .
Where can I find Suzanna Potter Love on social media?
Suzanna Potter Love can be found on social media at , Wikipedia
