
Scorpio Season

Scorpio Season

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd at 3:29 PM EDT. Scorpio season is the time of depth, intensity, secrets, shadows and hidden resources. It's when we are encouraged to look inwards for true power or do some soul-searching.
What Scorpio obscures in the shadows is often ugly and frightening. There are very few people with the courage and authenticity to dive into these issues and confront their own fears and taboos.
There can be rewards during this season, but they are not the typical rewards. If you're prepared to dig into what's hidden, you can uncover unexpected sources of power, intimacy, commitment or healing. But that means you must commit to going all the way and not shrink back when you come across something disagreeable. Again, what you're most often confronting are your own issues: shadow work.
This season starts off with a supportive Waning Sextile from the Virgo Moon (to the Scorpio Sun) at 0? on October 23rd. Here is some gentle support as you descend into the underworld. The Waning Sextile encourages forward movement (by leaving the past behind). Virgo presents practical solutions and reassuring information-you'll know what you have to do and what your next step is. You won't be facing the Scorpio mysteries without a map.
Go forward, into the shadows.
The Sun exits Scorpio for Sagittarius on November 22nd.
Here are the aspects the Sun will make:

<strong>Oct 27th: New Moon 4 deg Scorpio (11:38 PM)

Oct 27th: New Moon 4 deg Scorpio (11:38 PM)

Nov 12th: Full Moon 19 deg Taurus (8:34 AM)


Nov 12th: Full Moon 19 deg Taurus (8:34 AM)

Scorpio Season

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