
Rituraj Singh's Biography

Rituraj Singh's Biography
Feb 2023

Rituraj Singh

Rituraj Singh's Biography

Who is Rituraj Singh?
Rituraj Singh is a actor from kota, rajasthan,
When is Rituraj Singh's birthday?
Rituraj Singh was born on 1964-05-23.
What is Rituraj Singh's nationality?
Rituraj Singh holds ındian citizenship.
What is Rituraj Singh's zodiac sign?
Rituraj Singh's zodiac sign is gemini .
What is Rituraj Singh's religion?
Rituraj Singh practices the religion of hinduism .
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What is Rituraj Singh's physical appearance?

Height: 5’ feet 9” inches (1.75 m)
Weigh: 70 kg (154 lbs)
Hair color: black
Eyes color: dark brown
What is Rituraj Singh's education and career?
Rituraj Singh received B.A. Economics from modern school barakamba road, new delhi,
What is Rituraj Singh's marital status is?
Rituraj Singh is married.
Who is/are the daughter(s) of Rituraj Singh?
Rituraj Singh's daughter(s) is/are jahaan singh .
Who is/are the son(s) of Rituraj Singh?
Rituraj Singh's son(s) is/are adhiraj singh .
What are Rituraj Singh's hobbies?
Rituraj Singh's hobbies include playing tennis, football, writing, watching movies, .
Where can I find Rituraj Singh on social media?
Rituraj Singh can be found on social media at
