
Hot Dog-Themed Mascot Cars

Hot Dog-Themed Mascot Cars
May 2023

Oscar Mayer announced that it is changing the name of its beloved 'Wienermobile' to the 'Frankmobile.' While the original Wienermobile received its name after Oscar Mayer weiners, the company's branded packaged hot dogs, the Frankmobile receives its name from the term "beef franks," which is a slang for all-beef hot dogs.
The company changing the name of the Frankmobile is not random, though, as the brand is also launching a new hot dog recipe inspired by the original all-beef franks. Oscar Mayer stated that the hot dogs will have a "more balanced flavor profile and iconic beefy taste that is more delicious than ever," when compared to the traditional recipe used by the company.
Oscar Mayer has yet to announce the pricing and availability of its accompanying beef franks.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
