
Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time

Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time
Feb 2022

Just as "The scientific consensus states that the likelihood of two large snow crystals being identical is zero", no two pots of kitchari need be identical.

Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time

Variety is the spice of life. Spices are digestive herbs that play an important role in your daily wellness program. Not only do herbs make our food taste great, they help us digest and absorb food.
You learned about kitchari, you dove in and went for it, you felt great, it became part of your wellness routine. Ahh, but now your mind says it cannot look at another bowl. I'm here to tell you--no pot of kitchari need ever be the same. As much as the spelling varies--from kitchari, to kitcheree, khichadi, and kitcheree--so does each pot.
What are the benefits of Kitchari?
Kitchari provides many benefits, and it is a key Ayurveda food as medicine tool. It is healing to the digestive system, it's cleansing, it's a gentle detox, it's balancing to all three doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Bottom line, it's important to enjoy our food. If you're not inspired by your kitchari anymore, I encourage to change things up. I have never made the same pot of kitchari twice and I've made a lot of pots!

Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time

This nourishing, cleansing and easy to digest dish needs to be as dynamic as we are. As the dance of the doshas shifts, so may our kitchari change with the season, as part of an Ayurvedic cleanse, or to address a specific concern (lung kitchari, as an example).
For kitchari to optimally do its work, it needs to be simple, appealing, balancing to Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas, aligned for you, the season, where you live, and tailored to your current condition. All of that's good news because it means more variety.
Here are five tips to kick start your kitchari creativity.
1. Flip Flop Ratios
Washed split moong dal and basmati are the traditional ingredients. Both are easy to digest and soothing the digestive tract. It is the combination of the rice and dal that supports Ayurvedic cleansing. Most kitchari recipes consist of 1 cup rice to 1/2 cup dal. Let's be flexible about what this can look like. Sometimes we need a soupier kitchari and other times a heartier, thicker version. Ask yourself what you need and take it from there. Recovering from a seasonal bug? Appetite gone too low? Go for a lighter, soupier version.
Choose more rice and you will create a kitchari that is more like rice pudding. This is even more easily digestive and provides your digestive fire a chance to reset.
Opt for more dal and your kitchari is loaded with protein and fiber. Make sure your digestive fire is strong and more fire is needed to break down this protein packed version. A protein rich version of kitchari may be used towards the end of a Home Guided Cleanse when the digestive fire is burning strong.
2. Try quinoa or a rice and basmati quinoa combination
Quinoa is an ancient seed chocked full of nutrients. It's a compete protein providing all essential amino acids. If you haven't tried quinoa before, you may really enjoy this nutty seed food. Energetically it is somewhat warming, nutrient dense and light--making it supportive for all three doshas. Quinoa Kitchari recipes are available on the internet--remember to make it your own using modifications what best suit you, now.
3. Cook your veggies separately from your kitchari Cook your rice, dal, best oil and savory spice mix to the consistency and ratios that are most supportive for you at this time. Switch things up and keep the veggies out. Cooking your veggies separately will keep them livelier in terms of texture.
4. Toppings. Garnish. Whatever you call it-just do it
Just like with a good pizza, it's about the toppings, isn't it? Toppings add texture, flavor and health benefits. If you are cooking for a group, start with tridoshic kitchari, and each person can top their bowl with garnishes that customize the meal so it's maximally beneficial for them.
Vata: Squeeze of lime, salt, fresh ginger, ghee, coriander chutney
Vata: Squeeze of lime, salt, fresh ginger, ghee, coriander chutney
Pitta: Fresh cilantro, coconut flakes, ghee, coriander chutney
Pitta: Fresh cilantro, coconut flakes, ghee, coriander chutney
Kapha: Squeeze of lime, fresh ginger, ghee, coriander chutney
Kapha: Squeeze of lime, fresh ginger, ghee, coriander chutney

Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time

Benefits of Cilantro:
May lower blood sugar. High blood sugar levels increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.Rich in immune boosting antioxidantsMay lower heart disease risksAnti-inflammatory properties may protect against brain diseasesSupports healthy gut and digestion
May lower blood sugar. High blood sugar levels increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
May lower blood sugar. High blood sugar levels increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Rich in immune boosting antioxidants
Rich in immune boosting antioxidants
May lower heart disease risks
May lower heart disease risks
Anti-inflammatory properties may protect against brain diseases
Anti-inflammatory properties may protect against brain diseases
Supports healthy gut and digestion
Supports healthy gut and digestion
Here's my favorite Cilantro Chutney recipe.
Health Beneifts according to Ayurveda: Clears ama from the system. May remove heavy metals. Improves digestion. Make fresh and may be eated daily.
1/2 c chopped fresh cilantro, wash thoroughly 1/4 t Himalayan pink salt or other good, real salt Fresh juice from 1/2 lime 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup raisins 1/4 t your Saumya savory spice mix 1/3 cup raw cashews Blend together in a small Cuisinart or Magic Bullet
5. Herbs
Spice is the variety of life. Use your custom Saumya spice mix, return to the spice list on your food program and come up with your own dosha balancing mixes. Digestive herbs (aka spices) used correctly, support a balanced digestive fire that turns your meal into absorbable nutrition that detoxifies and heals. Mediterranean blends, garam masala, kitchari mixes. There's no end to the possibilities
Have some fun. Get creative. If you've been feeling stuck in a rut, here's the cure.
Make sure your spices are fresh. For dried herbs and spices, the shelf life is about a year, although the exact length depends on the quality of the spice (how fresh was it at the time of purchase) and how the spice has been stored. Rancid, depleted spices should be replaced. Spices are digestive herbs that helps us digest, assimilate and eliminate foods properly which, according to Ayurveda, is fundamental to good health.

Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time

Food is medicine and medicine is food. "When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when diet is correct, medicine is of no need." -Ayurveda proverbs
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Ayurvedic Diet |5 Tips for Creating New Kitchari Every Darn Time

Veena is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Meditation Teacher and Monk. She is President Emeritus of the Meditation Center and former staff member of the Minnesota Institute of Ayurveda.
Veena fell in love with the traditional medicine used in her family's home learning herbal remedies at her grandmother's knee. She remains passionate for over 30 years, helping clients feel their best physically, emotionally, and spiritually with Ayurveda.
Veena individualizes treatment plans to each person, so it fits your life.
