
Anna Charlotte Martin's Biography

Anna Charlotte Martin's Biography
Feb 2023

Anna Charlotte Martin

Anna Charlotte Martin's Biography

Who is Anna Charlotte Martin?
Anna Charlotte Martin is a female actress from beverley, also known Anna.
What is Anna Charlotte Martin known for?
Anna Charlotte Martin is know for playing lyra in his dark materials at the royal national theatre
When is Anna Charlotte Martin's birthday?
Anna Charlotte Martin was born on 1977-05-10.
What is Anna Charlotte Martin's nationality?
Anna Charlotte Martin holds english, citizenship.
What is Anna Charlotte Martin's zodiac sign?
Anna Charlotte Martin's zodiac sign is taurus .
What is Anna Charlotte Martin's religion?
Anna Charlotte Martin practices the religion of not known .
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What is Anna Charlotte Martin's physical appearance?
Anna Charlotte Martin is a slim
Height: 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m)
Weigh: 55 kg (121 lbs)
Hair color: brown
Eyes color: grey
What is Anna Charlotte Martin's education and career?
Anna Charlotte Martin received Studied History from beverley high school
College: Liverpool University.
What is Anna Charlotte Martin's marital status is?
Anna Charlotte Martin is married.
Who's the father of Anna Charlotte Martin?
Anna Charlotte Martin's father is ıvan martin .
Who's the mother of Anna Charlotte Martin?
Anna Charlotte Martin's mother is rosalind lugassy martin .
Who is/are the brother(s) of Anna Charlotte Martin?
Anna Charlotte Martin's brother(s) is/are adam martin .
Who's the husband of Anna Charlotte Martin?
Anna Charlotte Martin's husband is roger michell .
Who is/are the daughter(s) of Anna Charlotte Martin?
Anna Charlotte Martin's daughter(s) is/are nancy michell, .
Where can I find Anna Charlotte Martin on social media?
Anna Charlotte Martin can be found on social media at
